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Old 04-16-2003, 09:41 AM   #76
Ben E Lou
Morgado's Favorite Forum Fascist
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Greensboro, NC
2002 POSITION REPORT: Left Field
Sidney "Tumbleweed" Sutton (4/6/8) had an inauspicious debut. Sutton, now 26, was called up on August 1st to be the left field vs. RHP. He hit only .200 in 160 at bats. Another option out there is Scott Mcfarland (6/5/5). Mcfarland had a decent year, hitting .276 with little power. 26-year-old Jacobo Sousa (Avg/Good/Avg) (4/4/6) has become a one-star guy. He had a very good year in AA though, hitting 19 HR’s with a .870 OPS. He may deserve a look. I like his "B" range at LF. 35-year-old Andres Cobo (3/1/6) can play all three outfield positions with "B" range at each and remains a good utility OF option.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Hmmm. A VERY interesting situation here. Sousa probably looks like the most promising option, but with my owner getting more and more upset with me, I may be forced to sign a FA who is more “proven” in LF.
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