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Old 04-15-2003, 02:42 PM   #141
The boy who cried Trout
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: TX
Originally posted by Maple Leafs
I'd just like to throw in a random pet peeve: the mocking goalie chant. You know... taunting the other team's goalie with "Cuuu-jo" or "Ooooo-laf" or whatever.

It's a cool chant, a hockey tradition right up there with the fake cheer when the goalie stops the long shoot-in. But you're supposed to use it when the other goal is playing badly. Now, fans do it even when the other guys is in the middle of a 42-save shutout. Toronto fans were giving it to Cechmanek last night during the second period, when he was standing on his head.

And one more thing... if you're going to do the goalie taunt to Ed Belfour, it's "Edddd-die", not "Beeeelll-four".

Kids today.

Oilers fans were doing it to Turco after he made a good (see lucky) save. Maybe they know something about how it's supposed to work?
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