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Old 12-09-2005, 06:25 AM   #193
wade moore
Join Date: May 2001
Location: williamsburg, va
Originally Posted by QuikSand
I'm thinking that we are in a situation a bit like the Bengals a coupl years ago -- high potential rookie QB, but a capable journeyman already in the lineup with a decent-enough team. Assuming that after camp we see Sedor as what he appears to be (current rating pretty low, only 22, but loads of potential) I expect that we will keep him active as the # behind Harry Ross for the start of the season, maybe set Ross's playing time low to get Sedor some spot duty, but make the decision based on how the team is doing competitively. If we stay competitve and look like we might be a playoff threat (which I don't rule out, despite last season's collapse) then i'll probably plan to stick with Ross as the starter, but if not, we will probably phase over to playing Sedor by season's end.

With a mentor on the roster, I feel we can bring him along at a reasonable pace if the current situation demands it.

A luxury many of us don't have in MP leagues... But, in the end, a smart way to go.
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Originally Posted by Subby
Maybe I am just getting old though, but I am learning to not let perfect be the enemy of the very good...
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