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Old 04-14-2003, 07:03 PM   #111
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Canada eh
Originally posted by Cards4ever
Want some cheese with that whine? Blaming officials for losses is weak, if you have a good enough team you overcome that stuff.

Dude, honestly, if you didn't watch the game, then don't say anything about it. I've played sports for a lot of years and watched them for more, and I'm one of the last that will blame officiating for a loss. Usually 2 or 3 blown calls can cost a team a game, but there's usually something they could have done to make up for it at another point, or a makeup call made to even it out that, in the end, makes it conceivable for them to win.

In game 2, that wasn't the case. The Oiler's were shorthanded for just under 28 minutes in a 60 minute game, with I believe nearly 10 minutes of that being 2 men shorthanded. Those numbers would have been worse had the referee's not called the Stars for some cheap penatlies in the 3rd, negating a few 5 on 3's, instead making it 4 on 3's in their favor.

I would call the officiating in that game worse than Luckett messing up the coin toss it was that bad. Sad part is, had the Oiler's put 1 or 2 in at the start of the second when they were playing well (virtually the only time of the game there was prolonged 5 on 5 action), the 3rd period could have been hockey instead of a waste of 20 minutes. As it stood though, as I said earlier, it would have taken a shorthanded goal or two in the third for them to win it as the ref's seemed quite content in keeping them in the box all game long.

So as much as you'd like to believe I'm whining, don't. I would have been just as outraged had we won that game with the Stars having calls like that go against them because it degrades the game of hockey. Especially in the playoffs. Had we lost last night's game by 1, it would have hurt, but it would have been because Dallas outplayed us, not because the ref's decided they wanted to be the biggest factors.
"I don't want to play golf. When I hit a ball, I want someone else to go chase it." - Rogers Hornsby
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