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Old 04-14-2003, 02:45 PM   #89
The Afoci
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Moorhead
Let the Purge Begin!

After attempts to reduce debt through organ sales, carwashes and pleas to the GMs, the Fighting Crawfish are no better off then the were last week. In fact, it is worse, much worse. The budget is expected to go below 500k by next week and in fact is set at 531k in the red. Many of the staff have been fed to the Crawfish already, including 1 goaltending coach, 4 assistant coaches, 1 sports psychologists, 4 physiotherapists and 1 doctor. That cuts in half the staff and should help in staff wages in the coming weeks.

As the bus pulls up to the stadium, The Afoci meets them. He introduces the news member of the team, a youth pull goalie named Albert Lopez, 18.

As the squad walks towards him, The Afoci says "This is the man who saved the Crawfish. With his skills he will fetch us well over 300k and hopefully more."

Confused, Albert Lopez looks to him and says "This is soccer, right?"

"Yeah?" says The Afoci.

"Damn" says Albert Lopez "I don't know how to play that..."

The music starts playing and he is taken away by guards. The screams were heard moments later as he was fed into the paper shredder that was being used to destroy documents that the IRS wanted. Tough to read them with human remains on them. The Afoci laughs as he screams.

"Manuel "The" Bossio, Ellis Malcom "in the middle", and Matt Scroggins" says The Afoci "I hate to inform you, but you all have been placed on the transfer list. Many more will come after the friendly game. It has been nice to see you all underacheive and become worse than I ever imagined possible. May you all suffer horrible, horrible deaths that are painful and sexually related."


The plan is to drop the roster to around 14 or 15 players, drop staff to nearly nothing and hold out for a youth pull. The next two league games should be easy victories if we can keep most of the starters together, but the 3rd is against the leagues top squad. Daniel "I have one kidney" Mughal and José Javier Gorostarzu will be sold after they recover from injury. Hopefully the training update will supply The Crawfish with at least one if not two solid playmakers.

Manuel "The" Bossio was listed at 150k and is severly overpriced, but I am hoping a noob will take a chance on a 19 year old passable like I did when I was younger. The others are each at 1k. Bid early and often and save The Crawfish!

The story continues tomorrow...
I had something.
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