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Old 04-13-2003, 08:32 PM   #29
High School Varsity
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Lost
I believe the unrealistic stats is linked to one of the unknown blocks. I'm trying to isolate which one at the moment (while juggling hattrick of course :-) I'll check and see if when changing positions or editing, if any, especially RB, positions are not getting initialized correctly to indicate the new stats/position.

I noticed the unrealistic stats while while learning the format. I've altered a CB's interceptions and he had 215 picks that year. However, once training camp occurs the following year, it corrects the problem and he produces to the stats you set. That's why I say it's linked to an unknown block, when updating a stat, one of those needs to be updated aswell. I'm trying to determine which one and how.

That's the main reason I've put the 'fof2002_notes' up. In hopes that someone might figure it out before I do. It's the one thing (aside from endurance) that gives me the most headaches
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