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Old 11-07-2005, 10:00 AM   #401
Pumpy Tudors
Bounty Hunter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Unless it was posted elsewhere, I was the one who guessed that Sega is on the west coast. I know their corporate offices are out there, but I don't know where the people involved with this project are.

Anyway, it appears that SI is happy with the file, and Sega is happy with the file, so it's just up to the digital provider to activate the link. That's the impression I got from the thread over on the SI forum. I have no idea who the digital provider is, but if they're also on the west coast, that might be the reason for the delay. The SI folks have done a great job of staying up very late in order to help get this resolved, and I'm no longer thinking that the end of the UK workday spells doom for us North Americans.

I'm as much of an outsider on this as the rest of you guys, but I'm actually feeling pretty confident that this thing will be ready today. My plan was to just get the boxed copy in a day or two if the download isn't available today, but I realized that the boxed version will not have the latest patches out of the box, so I wouldn't really start playing it until the patch is available anyway (and we don't know when that'll be). I'll be waiting for the download no matter what.

If I may go as far as making a prediction, I'm going to guess that the download will be available by 3pm EST today. That's four hours from this post. Prove me right, SI!
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