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Old 04-10-2003, 12:37 PM   #52
Ben E Lou
Morgado's Favorite Forum Fascist
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Greensboro, NC

Here's the current situation in Atlanta:

Owner Mood: 53
Chemistry: 94
Owner Type: Normal
Owner Expectation: Play .500 ball in 2001!
Team Market: Below Average
Fan Loyalty: Very Good
Fan Interest: 33
Cash on Hand: $310,664
Total Payfoll: $50,245,642
Last Year Income: $53,514,289
Available Money: $3,579,311

I find a team willing to take LF Puente’s salary! I trade him to Texas for a half-decent 1B prospect, which I can use. 19-year-old Shane Murphy (Avg/Avg/Good), a 2000 2nd-round draft choice, comes over for Puente. He hit .279 in “A” ball last year. The trade frees up some cash to sign a good left fielder.

I have a little over $8M available for free agents, and all I want/need is someone to play left field until Sidney “Tumbleweed” Sutton is definitely ready. I find a guy and go after him. I sign Scott Mcfarland (6/5/5) to a one-year deal for $3.25M. Macfarland is nothing special, but he’s a decent player with a lifetime .736 OPS to hold down left field for Sutton.

My payroll is only $48.8M, so hopefully I can turn a profit this year and have money to sign a FA or two to make a run at the playoffs next year. For now, this squad appears to have the potential to meet the owner expectation of finishing .500, but not much more.
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