Thread: Lost, Season 2
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Old 10-20-2005, 05:46 PM   #486
High School JV
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Baltimore, MD
I believe that the tailies group may have been infected, as in some of their group started going nutty, kind of like Rouseaux said happened to her companions. They said that they had trust issues, which to me, could mean that they were infiltrated, or their own group members tweaked out.

I also think that Mr. Echo lost his wife on the island. Just my feeling after the conversation with Jin, as little was said.

I can understand their reluctance to speaking about what might have happened. Think of all the horrors that occurred during Vietnam, and then think about all of the stories where the veterans don't even want to discuss it.

If I went through a plane crash, survived, was stranded on an island, then people started dying unspeakable types of deaths, by who knows what, I probably would not want to talk about it either, especially if my mind couldn't quite wrap around the logic of it all.

Also, I figure they have so much time on their hands they might not even think there's reason to beat a dead horse, or possibly they just don't feel like going into detail to someone they think might be dead shortly. There was the point where Anna Lucia referred to Michael by "him".
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