Thread: Lost, Season 2
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Old 10-20-2005, 01:20 PM   #477
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Berkeley
DOLA, they might have given away too much too fast with the season premiere that now it has become expected and people are pissed when its slowed down. I don't mind... we learned/saw a couple things:

1) Seems pretty obvious the Others killed off the rest of the tailies. Also seems to imply they will be going after the main chars now that the tailies are gone.

2) The others don't leave tracks. Weird because we saw them walk by and they didn't seem to be doing anything to cover them so something strange is going on there.

3) We got a better idea for numbers... I didn't count, but there had to be at least 8 of them in the group. We didn't see Walt so you have to assume there are even more somewhere else.

4) We got a hint that Alex is alive as the kid with the Teddy Bear looked 16-ish to me.

5) It seemed like the others perfectly alternated between guys in long pants and bare legs... not sure if it means anything, but it was strange/obvious enough to notice. My only thought was that it maybe was meant to convey that they were from different eras in time?

6) Mr Echo is pretty badass.
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