Thread: Lost, Season 2
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Old 10-13-2005, 06:33 PM   #421
High School Varsity
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Oshkosh, WI
Very interesting Spoilers sort of
The "Orientation" film's jarring jump cuts are actually what [Damon] Lindelof calls "missing pieces" that resulted when former hatch hermit Desmond spliced the broken movie back together after watching it too many times. Those missing pieces will become "very important plot points down the road." Lindelof confirms that Walt said, "Push the button. Don't push the button. Bad." Cuse admitted that Shannon's jungle encounter with Walt was a dream. Says Lindelot: "I think the audience is very compelled to figure out exactly where Desmond was running to and, once he gets there, what is he going to do. We told you that he was in a [ship] wreck, but I think there are a lot of questions about how exactly he came to be here. That's certainly a story on the horizon." "It's important to note," Lindelof says, "that we've never said when the plane crashed. I think the assumption is that it happened in 2004 when the show premiered, but we've never said that." Was Mr. Rutherford [from Jack's flashback in episode 2.01] Shannon's dad? Her ex-husband? Expect to find out in an episode airing during November sweeps. "The Helen we meet in flashbacks is not the same Helen that Locke was speaking to on the phone," Lindelof clarifies, sort of. Lindelof says, "What happened to the 'tailies' that so drastically whittled their numbers is a very compelling mystery that drives us through the first third of the season." A major character dies in an episode before the holidays. Expect a reunion between Rose and husband Bernard.
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