Thread: Lost, Season 2
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Old 10-13-2005, 07:49 AM   #402
Roster Filler
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Cicero
Originally Posted by gottimd
True, but I don't think it was disappointing. We still don't know for what reason Hurley went to the psych ward, what happened to his friendship. We are slowly learning how the numbers altered his life. You learn other attributes about him as well. The other survivors appear to have broken into another hatch, which hatch (project)? The others tortured and slaughtered them? As if we couldn't figure it out, but Roses husband is still alive. Sayid and Jack have discovered another part of the hatch that they are in. Still leaves alot unanswered questions and mysteries which will keep most coming back, meanwhile providing more details and information in bits.

I was not disappointed in the stuff that happened on the Island. I just, for the first time, felt myself thinking the flashbacks were completely pointless. We learned far more about how the numbers changed Hurley's life in his last episode. We just learned a little bit more about what his life was like before that. We know that winning the lottery did not make his life better - all these flashbacks did was re-emphasize that point, but we already knew it.

Less pointless flashbacks, more Kate in underwear/vent/towel.
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