Thread: Lost, Season 2
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Old 10-07-2005, 07:46 AM   #263
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Originally Posted by gottimd
Another interesting speculation post....not spoilers...just speculation based upon what we already know from the most recent episode.

We know that the 'hatch' is station #3 and has something to do with electromagnetism.. We also, through the video hear the narrator say that they are conducting studies in...

"meteorology, psychology, para-psychology, zoology, electro-magnetism, and utopian social ."

then you can go to the Hanso Foundation website and see that they are also involved in..

Life-Extension Project, Electromagnetic Research Initiative,
Quest for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence,The Hanso Mathematical Forecasting Initiative, The Hanso Cryogenics Development Imperative, The Hanso Juxtapositional Eugenics Development Institute, The Hanso Accelerated Remote Viewing Training Facility

I believe now that there is one station (or hatch) on the island for each of the main projects (the video says 3 of 6 so lets assume there are 6 projects). I think that the Zoology experimenters created the polar bears and the shark. I think that the whispering voices we hear in the woods are people involved in the Remote Viewing project (parapsychology), and I think that someone forgot to enter the numbers in the Swan station (electromagnetism) about 44 days ago causing the plane to crash.

I think that we will see every single person in that video here on the island (or at least the DeGrotes and the lead scientist). I wouldnt be surprised if THEY were in fact the Others.

The creators of this show have just kind of written themselves a blank check as far as the number of directions they can take the show (and the island).

OK, so combining speculations: There are 6 projects on the island all funded (or one time funded) by presumably Locke's dad, who is also the guy that Sawyer has been searching for. (the Dharma swan symbol is surrounded by an octagon which suggests 8, but the film clue clearly says 6). Let's assume it is Locke's dad and he is somewhere on the island.

The Electromagnetic Research Initiative is likely what brought Frenchy's boat to the island (assuming they didn't come there intentionally) and likely brought the plane down. Now did Desmond sleep through the entering the code which brought the plane down or did he not enter it on purpose (or under direction of say Locke's dad?).

We know some mishap occured on the island w/ all the experiments. We also know in season 1, Locke "saw" the secret of the island when he was attacked by the monster. Perhaps what he saw or heard was his father, who gave him some directions. This is why Locke is always saying to no one apparent "what am I supposed to do", and "this isn't the way it's supposed to happen". Perhaps even his father somehow knew he was on the plane and made Desmond bring the plane down so that he could have his son save the island. ???

The polar bears, etc.. are explained by the other experiments. The Others (non-plane survivors) are scientists who survived the mishap whatever it was. One group took the boy for his telekinetic (sp?) powers either to continue their experiments, to save them, or perhaps to push the "mental" button over and over just like Desmond had to do for the electromagnetic one. We also know/think that there are some crazy others, perhaps a virus at one point affected some of the scientists, explaining the quarrantine warning.

I want to say someone once said there was plans for a 6 or 8 season story arc. Perhaps what we'll get is the revelation of one project/hatch per season and the implications carried out throughout the season.
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