Thread: Lost, Season 2
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Old 09-22-2005, 08:37 PM   #48
High School JV
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Baltimore, MD
That one I actually have to credit to the radio. A girl on my team at work, heard that one. I do remember Walt also saying that same thing to Locke before they left on the boat though, in the season finale. He told Locke out of the blue, "don't press the button", and Locke looked at him, like "huh", and then shrugged it off.

I am 99.9% certain that they will meet up with the other people from the back of the plane sometime this season. In my mind it was cemented in the recap show when they showed the scene with Rose (I think she only appeared in the first 2 episodes) where she said that her husband is still alive, and he happened to be in the portajohn at the time that the plane broke up.

My thought on the magnet that attracted Jack's key is that, it powers up (kind of like the Death Star), and the magnet , becomes powerful enough to bring down airplanes/drag ships ashore (kind of like a tractor beam).

Desmon minus 1 letter spells what?

Name 2 people that were apparently paralyzed from the waist down and miraculously were able to walk again? There is another connection there but I am not sure what it is yet.

I refuse to look at any of the websites that have "supposed" spoilers. I like the show because it makes me think. It's like watching a puzzle. Obviously I think through the plot too much.

Last thing. In the season finale when they showed everyone getting on the plane they showed Jack sit down on the plane and in the corner, somewhat blurred, they showed another person, that I swear was staring at Jack. In any other show I would not have thought twice about it, but I almost swore that it meant that there was some sort of meaning behind it. The writers think too many things through to believe otherwise.

Just my thoughts. By the way I love the show lol!
  • HailtotheRedskins!

Last edited by jamesUMD : 09-22-2005 at 08:38 PM.
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