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Old 09-22-2005, 02:29 PM   #39
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jul 2001
Originally Posted by Barkeep49
Bumping this to see if any of the people who talked about running games next week (I believe it was RPI, SnDvls and Neon) were going to sign-up now or wait until next week.

I have one I put together, but I'm going out of town Oct 1-3 (taking my daughter for her first trip to Disneyland) so I'm not going to start it until then, and to also give us at least the full week off from wearwolves. I also have an idea for a second depending on how the first one goes off. I think it will be rather enjoyable. I'll need at least 12 people for it. It has blind votes (via PM), day period is determined by the players, and a new twist.

I could start it early, but with going out of town I don't think that would be fair to those participating, unless I get a screaming amount of people wanting to play with a 3 day pause in there.
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