Thread: Lost, Season 2
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Old 09-21-2005, 03:52 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by NoMyths
My girlfriend decided that we needed to watch all of the episodes and catch up with the show, and is thoroughly hooked. Looks like season 2 will have it's claws in me as well.

Fwiw, there's quite a bit of skill at work with this show, and it's pretty watchable (in part because they focus so much on character, which is one of the reasons Twin Peaks was so successful as a cult hit despite the mysteries eventually being unraveled). Guess I'll be along for the ride now.

Oh, and another fwiw: since Sawyer was reading Watership Down the similarities between the bunnies and the castaways predicaments were mentioned. Didn't see anyone mention that he was later shown reading A Wrinkle in Time, which makes me think we're in for some time related hijinks. My guess is that the eventual mystery of the show revolves around the issue of time.

There are many different speculations I have read on the Lost forums. Many people have analyzed in so much detail, it is ridiculous. (Yours above is one of the many speculations noted).
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