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Old 09-02-2005, 11:58 PM   #1365
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Placerville, CA
Originally Posted by RendeR
I never claimed to be a web-angel. Far from it, I tend to fly off the handle on occasion, as any number of folks will attest (bastards ) but please take my point to heart, you're entitled to whatever opinion you want to have, you're not entitled however, to put your point out there on the end of a lance and intentionally be an asshole(this would be the definition of TROLLING). Its not necessary and ends up creating the opposite effect from what you'd hope.

I'm just suggesting that not being an asshole MIGHT cut back on the growing list of those who think you're nothing but an ignorant troll. Then again, if you ARE an ignorant troll, so be it =) enjoy your time, as it will be fairly short lived.

As for your comments being valuable? I doubt anything said in a barbed stab is ever truly valuable. Don't try to impress anyone, just stop being a raging ass and everything should actually settle itself out =)
  1. You are not the final authority on what is or isn't a troll. So step off the soapbox already. Everyone here has an opinion, and just because hers isn't packaged they way you'd like it doesn't mean she can't share it.
  2. Knock off the foul language. If you've got a point to make, make it without the inflammatory vernacular. I'm quite sure my wife can hold her own in an argument, but I'm gonna get a little pissed if the filthy language directed at her doesn't stop.

Last edited by Franklinnoble : 09-03-2005 at 12:01 AM.
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