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Old 09-02-2005, 11:05 PM   #1355
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Buffalo, NY
Originally Posted by capsicum
...Big mistake, as quite a few people here seem to be determined to take all my posts in the worst possible light. Please read over some of my other posts before forming a picture of my character.

Sincerly Sharon


I'm all about second chances, god knows I've been given my share. I went through and read some of your posts. The problem I see is that the WAY you present your posts, valid argument or trolling crap aside, it comes across as self serving tripe. Its not even a matter of worst possible light, in the majority of your posts there is no other way to take them.

Take a step back before you post and ask yourself:

Is this going to piss off the person I'm responding to?

If so, is it deserved, or am I beating my own drum and trying to be a smartass?

If so, why post? Perhaps its time to stop being the class clown and just discuss things instead of emflaming the situation further.

In so many of your comments you take a very biting and insultery attitude. This is, I'm hoping anyway, more a preoblem that you don't understand the way posts are percieved on the other end of the connection, and not that you really are that assinine.(if she IS that assinine, blink twice Frank!)

Anyway. Thus far what I've seen of your comments doesn't give me a lot of hope for seeing anything worthwhile from you. I hope I'm right that its just a learning curve on how to post without pissing off the population. Time will tell.
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