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Old 08-30-2005, 12:47 PM   #408
Join Date: Aug 2005
Don't worry, folks, this is the second-to-last-thing that I have to say in this exchange

"Originally Posted by Yuskevich
I have no intention of turning this into a "political based argument,"

And I, quite frankly, don't believe that for an instant."

Maybe you know me better than I know myself. I know how we can find out--if you are so certain that I am trying to start a political based argument, could you tell me what my politics are? Tell me which presidential candidates I have voted for since 1988, and I promise to tell the truth as to whether you guessed correctly or not. If you can get them right, then maybe I myself failed to recognize the true nature of my post.

"Incidentally, there is no relationship between the number of one's posts and the quality of one's posts. Everyone has to post for a first time.

Yep, there's a first time for everyone. I simply don't believe this happens to be yours."

You'll have to trust me when I tell you that you are simply wrong on this one.
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