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Old 08-30-2005, 12:46 PM   #406
Farrah Whitworth-Rahn
Red-Headed Vixen
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27
I wish I knew. My cellphone won't work because it is Verizon Wireless and their tower is down. I'm out of touch with everyone, and I don't know what the plan is. From hearing Mayor Nagin say that it will be at least 48-72 hours until people can return and hearing experts say it might be weeks, we just extended our hotel room until Thursday. I'm waiting for more damage assessment to be done today to help me formulate a plan. For now, we are about to go eat some lunch and catch another movie (can't watch the news 24 hours/day or might become too depressed.)

This is really none of my business, but I'm curious so I'm going to ask. In situations like these, when you have to evacuate, does homeowners insurance reimburse you for lodging costs while your away?
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