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Old 08-30-2005, 12:18 PM   #401
Join Date: Aug 2005
"How on earth did you happen to stumble across our humble little forum for the first time ever & of all the threads pick this one to post in for your debut?
Or are you a long-time lurker so moved by all of this that you decided today was the day that you just had to post something? Or is it possible that you're a regular who wanted to troll this thread in an attempt to sidetrack it into another round of political based argument but lacked the balls to do it under your own name? Inquiring minds want to know."

Ummm, I fail to see the relevance of these questions, and, hard as it might be for you to believe, in raising the question of whether comparisons between an event that killed 200,000+ people and an event that (let us hope) killed no more several hundred people are misleading and inappropriate, I have no intention of turning this into a "political based argument," although I must admit that I am not entirely certain what you mean by that phrase.

Unlike you, I am not going to flame those who write things with which I disagree. Some here have offered thoughtful explanations of why they think likening the tsunami to Katrina is justified. Needless to say, I am still maintain that the comparisons are inappropriate at best, but I would much rather have someone disagree with me intelligently than agree with me stupidly.

Incidentally, there is no relationship between the number of one's posts and the quality of one's posts. Everyone has to post for a first time.
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