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Old 08-29-2005, 08:36 PM   #355
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Back in Houston!
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA
Meanwhile, I'm sitting through my 2nd tornado warning of the night, this time more nervously than the earlier one. The first was in my county but 10 miles east of me traveling due north so not a big worry personally. Nothing reported on the ground this time yet either, just hook echoes in the radar to this point, but it's pretty much due south of me ... and traveling due north.

This seems like a good time to post our "Tornado Night Drinking Game" that we've come up with here in Kansas. Granted, I don't really drink so it doesn't do me much good, but maybe it'll do someone so good.

Tornado Night Drinking Game

To Start, each time a station pulls away from normal coverage for tornado coverage, pull a bottle out of the liquor cabinet. And not just for a little 30s blurb with "More weather news at 11". I mean full blown "Tornado Night" coverage- you know what this is if you live in tornadic areas. I know this "each time a station pulls away" sounds silly but basically, you keep flipping between them to see if there's anything fun- new footage, more updated radar, a weatherman going crazy, etc. In Lawrence, this is a little nuts because we have 8 stations (4 Kansas City, 3 Topeka, and 1 Lawrence).

Next are your tornado night buzzwords. As with most drinking games, they have to be said just enough to be uncommon but likely to be heard a couple of times. If you hear a weatherman say "hook echo"- take a shot. If you hear a weatherman say "wall cloud"- that's a shot, too. "Wind shear" is another one.

Tornado watches count for nothing- it wouldn't be tornado night without them so they might as well be when you take the shotglasses down or something. However, if your county gets a tornado warning, that's two shots. If they show a Future Doppler (or whatever the local term is) and they have a storm that's produced a tornado and you're in the little arrow path they show, that's another two shots.

Finally, if they mention your town and this can't be a city- has to be a town or local area like your subdivision in a large city. For instance, Houston doesn't count but, say, Inwood, where I used to live- that'd count. Lawrence has 80K people so it doesn't count, but if they say a street intersection like Sixth and Wakarusa that's within a mile from where you are, that counts. Anyways, if they mention your place and it's within a couple of minutes, that means the news is at least a minute or two old and you'd better finish the bottle, stumble into the basement, bathtub, or wherever you hide to be safe.

Houston Hippopotami, III.3: 20th Anniversary Thread - All former HT players are encouraged to check it out!

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Freakazoid: "That's because we make lots of things better than other people!"

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