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Old 08-29-2005, 05:56 PM   #318
Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Early, TX
Watching FOX News right now, and I'm getting sick to my stomache. I'm definitely a bit more conservative than I am liberal, but the more I see the conservative view-point of modern times, the more that line is thinning for me.

They are talking about the same things that Stevew is - Should "we" be forced to help these people that "choose" to live in a dangerous area? That is an absolute bullshit question. I highly doubt that the children that live in these areas "choose" to live there, and I also have a feeling that many poor people don't choose to live there either. Regardless of that, I find it nauseating that conservatives, the so-called "moral-majority" (and religious majority) would even raise this question. Especially while so much damage and pain isn't even a day old. For those that claim allegiance to Christ, I ask you this question: Would Jesus allow people to suffer without lending aid in this situation?

I'm sure I'll get blasted, but I don't care. I've heard both sides of the issue, and I see both points, but I know which side my dollar and my heart goes toward.
Just beat the devil out of it!!! - Bob Ross
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