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Old 08-29-2005, 05:34 PM   #314
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Green Bay, WI
Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors
I certainly hope so.

Look, I understand if there are people physically or medically unable to get the hell out when a storm like this is looming. They aren't dumbasses.

I'm talking about dumbasses, able-bodied individuals who have seen this thing coming for a week, done fuck-all about it, and then sit on their roof, call emergency services, and go "Send somebody to pick me up. I want to live!"

Yes, that's an actual quote.

If you're a dumbass, you should be denied aid. Why should the rest of the nation subsidize your idiocy?

Those who were physically or medically unable to leave, the ones trapped through no fault of their own, that's an entirely different matter.

I would have thought that it would be evident from my use of the word 'dumbasses' that I'm talking about people who are there because of a lack of common sense, but apparently I have to spell it out.
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