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Old 04-01-2003, 08:40 AM   #46
The Afoci
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Moorhead
A Kid, A Crawfish, Five Dollars and a Dream

As The Afoci was rushed from the field to his top secret hide out near The New Fighting Crawfish Arena after a terrible break dancing accident, many things rushed through his head.

"Number Two" said The Afoci as he motioned him closer, "Am I....Am I going to make it?"

"Um...." said Number Two "I would say chances are good considering you only have a small cut."

"Not a small cut" screams The Afoci "Now I will never star in a Gap ad."

As The Afoci sat up all heroic like, the men were carrying him down the stairs to his secret hide out. They lost their balance and he was dropped down an entire flight of stairs....

Laying at the bottom, he mumbled..."Father....Is that you?" before going passing out again...

He began seeing his life flash before him, suddenly he was 12 again. His mother had given him 5 dollars. The options of what to do with a 5 dollar bill at that age were endless....or so he thought. After realizing he couldn't get the keg of beer and carton of smokes every 12 year old desired, he knew he only had one choice. The underground animal fights.

They was a secret society of animal fighters on the mean streets of Hawley, Minnesota. The events were held secretly at the local City Hall and were televised on PBS for entertainment purposes only. The event was BYOA, or bring your own animal. The Afoci a rookie in the event brought a Crawfish. It was his first meeting with the great beast of an animal when it would be used as a fighting machine. He went to the local T-shirt shop and had 1 Fighting Crawfish XXXL shirt made. He wore it proudly that day.

Now he knew the wager could bring him large sums of money, upwards in the high teens or low twenties in American Dollars. The whole event was very similar to the movie Bloodsport. This was the Kumeitia(or however that is spelled) of Hawley, Minnesota underground animal fighting.

Our hero made his bet. 5 dollars on the Crawfish to win the whole thing. He was an underdog...literally. He first match came against a German Shepard. A police dog named Chavez "the dope finding" Dog. That dog had all the connections. You wanted some smoke, that dog got it for ya. It was the good stuff too, not the kind a crap you expect from a dog named Chavez "The dope finding" Dog.

The Afoci did his best to get the crawfish ready, and its fight was valiant, but 2.4214 seconds into the first round it was over. Chavez "The dope finding" Dog had eaten the Crawfish.

It was on his walk home, that a defeated The Afoci, with no beer or smokes, realized that his plan was flawed. His whole approach to the underground animal fighting was wrong. His plan to use just a crawfish was flawed...he knew what he needed...Crawfish with Laser Blasters instead of Claws!!!!

Last edited by The Afoci : 04-01-2003 at 08:44 AM.
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