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Old 03-28-2003, 10:47 AM   #33
The Afoci
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Moorhead
Run, The Afoci, Run

"Tell me" The Afoci says quitely while reclining in his chair deep in his secret hide out, "How did the men take to my training methods?"

"Sir" says Felix "Coach" Gruber "the men are now stronger and faster. I think we should go at least one more week though, as some men didn't take as much as we would like."

"Stragglers" says The Afoci, "We will make sure that take to it soon." He then stands up and is wearing a diaper and no pants. He pick up a small stick like object and slides it inside his diaper and begins scratching "Ahhhh, that feels good, anyway, I have a plan for the next practice that will make the men run harder."

Feeling ill, Felix "Coach" Gruber struggles to say "Umm...yeah that um....are you okay, why are you wearing a diaper?"

"Well" says The Afoci "it appears my weiner is now covered in a horrible rash and it leaks sometimes. The diaper is actually kinda refreshing, you know I am taking a crap right now and i don't have to worry about wiping...the smell sticks with me for a while, but I get use to it."

"Yeah......" says Felix "Coach" Gruber "Um.... I will get my men ready for practice, bye."

The Afoci watches as he leaves and gets up and stretches, walks to garbage and takes off his diaper. "Damn, thats a good stinky. Hmm.... this rash appears to be spreading." He puts the diaper in the garbage and reaches to the fridge and he opens it and grabs some peanut butter. He then spreads it all over his rash. "This is rather refreshing!"

The men are gathering on the field for practice, many of them now faster and stronger. Rumors are running rampant of what happened to Ben McMahon(winger for the Screaming Seamen). Many are also still dressed as hobos. The "Operation Panhandling Players because we have no money!" was put in to action last night and many of the players were dumping the money collected into a hat held by Mikey "Number Two" Denney.

As Number Two walks towards the secret hide out he hears the noise of the guard dogs barking. He sprints to the door and brust into the room, worried that perhaps something has happened to The Afoci. Number Two darts to him as it appears the dogs are attacking him and The Afoci is making weird moaning noises. After a brief struggle, Number Two rips the dogs off The Afoci.

"Damn" says The Afoci "Those dogs really like their peanut butter. Where are my pants?"

Confused and embarrassed slightly, Number Two says "Umm... Operation Panhandling Players because we have no money! was a success, we got over $25!"

"Great!" says The Afoci "We are out of peanut butter! You should go get some, peanut butter does wonders for a rash. Do you have a smoke, I suddenly feel like smoking?"

"Ummm..." says Number Two "No... We should get to practice. We are in the USA Cup too, get the men excited, it is a good way to get some cash to fund Project Crawfish with Laser Blasters instead of Claws!

Number Two leaves to go to the practice field as The Afoci sits around and wonders what he is going to say to his men. All we know is that with each passing second, the Crawfish Crazies, the official supporters of Operation Crawfish with Lasers instead of Claws is growing, and with that The Afoci power grows....

Last edited by The Afoci : 03-28-2003 at 10:52 AM.
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