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Old 07-06-2005, 12:20 PM   #64
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Placerville, CA
Originally Posted by JimmyWint
For anyone curious about Friday night...I get to the bar a few minutes after 10 and she is not there. So I was pretty bummed. They have 25oz mugs of beer there for $2.50 though, so I figured I would drown my sorrows.

It just so happens that the Smoking Ban kicked in On that same night as well, so the bar was actually pretty dead when I got there. But the owners wife was in there smoking a cigarette. I did not think anything of it because the way the city set up the law they said that someone has to call and complain and only then they will check out the bar for violaters. So I am enjoying my beer and after about 20 minutes FIVE cops walk in. They walk in find the owners wife and she lights up right in front of them and tells them SHE is the one who called the cops!! She was all lit up too...So the cops wrote her a ticket for Smoking in the bar and disorderly conduct. I am pretty sure she spent the night in jail too.

Anyway, about halfway through my 2nd maybe 10:40 or so Kimberly comes walking in! I was like hey this is cool at least I did not get stood up. So she and her friend come strolling over....I would say I bought them drinks but it was ladies night so they drank free. I said, hey what happened to 10pm...she comes back with it is a rule to be fashionably late. At this point I am really sick of these dumb rules, and with some liquid courage in me I tell her that if we are going to be able to possibly go out it is going to be me or this dumb rule book. (Kind of took the advice of the board there) Anyway, I think I said something like "There is no rule book for me, I am one of a kind". Then I rambled how it was insulting to be compared to every other guy out there. I layed it on pretty good. Needless to say she did not bring up the rules the rest of the night. We ended up having a good time and the bar actually got pretty crowded about midnight, so it was all good. At the end of the night I gave her my number and said if she wanted to get together again to call me, I even got a kiss in the parking lot. I still need some work on those closing skills though. Now it will be interesting to see if She calls me to go out this weekend!

Obi-Wan has taught you well...
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