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Old 07-05-2005, 09:30 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Conyers GA
Werewolf V: Mount Fogg

Mount Fogg has always had an aura of mystery surrounding it. The inhabitants are not welcoming to strangers and tend to keep to themselves. Very few have ever made it out of their own small village. The reason? An old legend.

The legend states that the mountain is home to a coven of werewolves. The King of the Wolves made a deal with the villagers years ago. The wolves would leave the small town alone as long as a sacrifice was made. Once a season, the villagers must offer up one of their own to the wolves. For over a decade, this has gone on. What was once a thriving, bustling community is now almost a ghost town.

The villagers have decided that it is time to fight back. There was no sacrifice made this season. A number of people with special talents have been recruited by the inhabitants to do battle with the wolves. The wolves have come to the village to investigate and are suspected of staying at the Inn posing as travellers. The village inn is the battleground between the wolves and those that represent the village. The inhabitants of Mount Fogg are holed up in their houses awaiting one of two outcomes - a village victory, or a wolf victory and their horrible revenge.

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