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Old 07-05-2005, 05:06 PM   #8
Bubba Wheels
College Starter
Join Date: Jan 2004
Its guys like this that should cause us to rethink certain values in our justice system. For one, with the life of anyone still at risk/unaccounted for, ect..., sodium pentathol under a doctor's administration should be not only allowed by required just like a forced blood-alchohol exam for drunk driving is.

Secondly, upon conviction but right before transfer to the state/federal penn, the convict should be excorted into a room. There, with hands secured tightly behind his back (symbolizing the helpless condition of his victims) a designated individual paid and sanctioned by the state would administer the 'hand of justice." With medical personel standing right there, the designated 'hand of justice' would be able to take one punch to the head/face of the convict with all force capable. This would symbolize societies outrage at the heinous nature of the crime. If serious enough (and hopefully they would be) the convict's injuries would be treated on the spot. Then to penn and the general prison population for the rest of his hopefully short life.
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