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Old 07-05-2005, 12:23 PM   #18
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: South Florida
I see nothing wrong with personal fireworks. It's a fun way to celebrate the Fourth. The public displays can be just as dangerous. Growing up, a shell (still hot) from one landed in the audience. I've heard that people have been hit by shells and homes destroyed by still burning ones.

The ground-based, non-explosive fireworks are great, but one thing that makes the Fourth great are the booms. Unfortunately too many people are idiots on the Fourth. They don't use these things as intended, launch them in areas they shouldn't, or do it at obscene hours of the night.

As for lighting them in the street, I think people do that because it makes the most sense. The directions say to keep them away from grass and homes. The driveway can be a little too close for comfort. Did get busted for having them on the street myself the other night. Cop asked us to move them on the property, so I put them on cement, just inside my property line (edge of street) He left us alone after that.
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