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Old 07-05-2005, 06:40 AM   #8
Pro Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Kansas City, MO
Man, I was starting to think I was the only one who felt like this and figured if I said anything I would be accused of being un-American.

I like fireworks just fine -- when I was a kid, we lived outside the city limits and pretty much anything was legal. We always had a great time on the Fourth.

But it's the stupidity, lack of respect for the law and lack of respect for common decency that ticks me off. I had to run out for a quick errand last night before dark and the idiots were filling the streets of our neighborhood with trash and scarring the streets that I'm sure my taxes will have to be used to repair later. All of these morons have driveways -- why can't they set their shit off in the driveway rather than block the street and make somebody who is trying to get somewhere drive around their damn trash or wait for their fountain to stop?

I grew up in a town of about 150,000 and we didn't have a public fireworks show until I was about 15, and then it was always the Saturday before the Fourth. I understand having your own fireworks show in that case, But with probably at least 50 public displays in Kansas City on the Fourth, it makes a lot more sense to go see a really good public display than sit around in your yard drinking watching a crappy fireworks display.

Wait a minute ... maybe drinking is the key.
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