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Old 07-05-2005, 12:37 AM   #5
Pro Starter
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Oakland, CA
Originally Posted by MrBug708
Not sure how the laws work in some states, I know Missouri allows most fireworks and Nevada allowes almost as many fireworks, but in California you are allowed to shoot off the milder fireworks provided your city allows it. Los Angeles, the city, Im not sure their rules but in the counties, 3/4's of the cities do not allow the display of any kind of fireworks unless it's done at a big public spectacule. Well, I live in one of the cities that does allow fireworks and it's annoying as hell. Now, if everyone abided the law and just bought fireworks that they sold in the stands every 100 feet, it wouldn't be so bad but seeing as how were are 4 hours from Nevada and 3 hours from Mexico, everyone has fireworks of the illegal kind. I'm not even talking about a couple here and there though. I'd say that the illegals outweigh the legal ones by a margin of 5-1. It sounds like a warzone and people are stupid with them They'll shoot fireworks at people passing by or other groups of people who are enjoying fireworks. Driving is even worse because people will shoot bottle rockets at your car as you drive by. I've seen kids running around with Roman Candles and firing them at each other. My mom and sister were at some friends house and they shot an ariel rocket and it went the wrong direction and caught some brush on fire. Luckily there was a bucket of water for circumstances such as these. Going outside gives you a dirty haze and smells like fire and smoke. You probably can't see further then 50-60 feet either.

Anyone else have anything similar like this?

Yes, in CA too. For the last 3 days it's been non-stop firewords 24/7 (and they're illegal in this city).

And no matter how many times these idiots are told ... IT'S TOO DAMNED DRY AROUND HERE TO BE SHOOTING THESE THINGS OFF.

I'll wake up in the morning and read about 50 brushfires in the paper.

I never really could understand why the cheap (non-city sponsored) fireworks are so exciting for some people. I can get more excited using the memory function on my adding machine.
Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors View Post
It's hard to throw a good shot with a drunk blonde wrapped around me.
Originally Posted by Suicane75 View Post
I don't think I'd stop even if I found a dick.
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