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Old 07-04-2005, 11:52 PM   #6
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2003
I'll start by saying I haven't seen the video of the 40 yard pass completion. But I don't think it's the fact that the pass is completed into quad coverage, it's the fact the qb is being sacked and still throws a 40 yard strike.

With regard to penalties I've always thought that the slider shoud be set to the far right as the default. This default would give you realistic penalties and then the player can adjust them down or turn them off as he sees fit. The trouble now is you have to test them just to see what the default is giving and then try to guess how far to adjust to try for realism. IMHO much easier to start at realistic and adjust down.

I'd like to have an accelerated clock but not sure how easy that is for football. By having a play clock and game clock things can get screwy. If you run the game and play clocks in real time it's easy to get a play called much quicker than in real life so you end up with more plays then you should. The longer you play the game the more you know the playbook and the faster you can call plays = even more plays per game. In other words the problem
with too many plays starts to compound because you become better at calling plays. Now if you accelerate the clocks then it makes it tough to audible at the line before you get a delay of game penalty. So it maybe a tricky thing to get just right. However after saying all that I would think a programmer with the skills to make this game should be able to come up with a solution. Easy for me to say though since I don't do code

For me it doesn't have to be total realism but I don't want to look at the game and think "there's no way possible that could happen in real life".
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