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Old 07-04-2005, 11:50 PM   #2
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: South Florida
Roman Candles and Bottle Rockets and Mortars (those are the ones that look like the public fireworks) are legal in some states. States like Florida have year round stands that sell the works. Nevada and Alaska are two other states with unrestricted fireworks that come to mind.

Go to or to get an idea of all that is legal in certain parts of the country. M-50s marketed as (but not the same as) M-80s and milder cherry bombs are legal in some places.

The term safe-and-sane is different from state to state. In California, for instance, if it leaves the ground or explodes, it is illegal. That means that only novelties (things like poppers), sparklers, snakes and fountains are about all that is legal.
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