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Old 07-04-2005, 04:26 PM   #23
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Here and There

Was the fastest pitch ever, 101 MPH?

Kimberly wrote:

At the water cooler I overheard a co-worker claim that the fastest timed pitch thrown in major league baseball was 101 mph. Hasn't Clemons and Johnson both topped that mark ?

Mike Attiyeh's Response

Hello Kimberly,

On official record, the fastest and most accurately recorded pitch during a major league game remains 100.9 mph, registered by Californias Nolan Ryan on August 20, 1974 at Anaheim Stadium.

Reliever Billy Koch, I recently heard during a radio broadcast, may have topped the speed - but on a fast gun.

Some believe Bob Feller was clocked at 98.6 miles per hour in 1947. And according to a fellow SABR member whose name I forgot, the great Walter Johnson was clocked  using a different, raw system more than eight decades ago  in the high 80s, without a warmup, mind you, and in civilian clothes. Johnson was a "Big Train" indeed.

So Kimberly, while Randy Johnson and Roger Clemens do throw fast, they have yet to officially top Ryans legendary mark, from what I have gathered.

I hope I have helped,

Mike Attiyeh
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