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Old 07-01-2005, 07:08 AM   #132
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: MA
I went over all the angles. You can't bluntly say you are the sorcerer or the real sorcerer may say "No, I am" and accuse you of being the hunter(the very mention of which makes the wolf nervous). Then its all up to the Wolf to pick who he believes.

I screwed up early thinking it was Tiger, and I smacked myself when I figured out what was really going on, since I was worried I may of dug a hole, however I think I played the dummie roleless villager well when I decided too .

Anyways, my first post in the second round was to hint towards Tiger that I was the sorcerer and I was on his side. In order to have him believe me, or at the very least intill some doubt with him about who Shorty really was.

Would it of worked if I targeted Shorty with the same idea? Who knows.

Basically I think the trick to the game is being able to lay enough strong but subtle hints to get your idea accross, but leave enough leeway to be able change directions if your plan fails.

Last edited by jeff061 : 07-01-2005 at 07:12 AM.
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