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Old 03-26-2003, 05:31 PM   #11
Awaiting Further Instructions...
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Macungie, PA

Wow. Unlike MOO3, you are an active participant and make the choices. The tech tree is reminiscent of Civ. There are different areas to delve into and you can easily see what the different paths will give your civ. I can easily see many games spent just trying different combos of tech research.

I don't read manuals (maybe this is why MOO3 is killing me) and i already feel comfortable with things. I easily figured out how build colony ships and colonize other planets (something I was unable to do in MOO3).

There are some Ultima-like morality choices to make from time to time. You can either be Good, Neutral, or Evil in your choices. Each choice has a consequence.

I didn't mean to post so little, but I want to leak this out as it hits me.


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