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Old 06-26-2005, 01:18 PM   #21
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Seattle
Originally Posted by jeff061
However I'm only 23, and going by current experience I am maybe 3-4 years away from entering management grounds. So I have plenty of time to work my way in, even if i need to tack another 4 years on top of that to help make up for my lack of degree.

However not all job fields allow this kind of freedom without going to college, thankfully in IT there are a fair amount of people with a background similar to mine willing to give chances to guys who interview well and have good experience.

And the cool thing is that many companies are willing not only to let people work towards a degree but to contribute to the cost of doing so, looking at it as an investment in their employees and improving the company by doing so.
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