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Old 06-26-2005, 10:12 AM   #14
Favored Bitch #1
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: homeless in NJ
I don't see how Shaq is a model for all pro athletes, just because he's gotten his degree. We don't think of actors any less because they don't have degrees, why do we think less of athletes without degrees. There in the same business, entertainment. I believe John Travolta (sp?), doesn’t even have a high school degree, and I know for sure he didn't when he started his acting career as a high school dropout.

Shaq is a model for mor then one reason. He is personable, charitable, and an all around likeable guy.

The actor-Athlete argument is apples and oranges to me. Yes they both make lots of money, but an athlete has a much shorted lifespan then an actor so more athletes need something to fall back on. A succesfull actor can act into their 70's where as even the best athletes are pretty much done by their late 30's.
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