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Old 06-26-2005, 09:18 AM   #9
Join Date: Dec 2004
I don't see how Shaq is a model for all pro athletes, just because he's gotten his degree. We don't think of actors any less because they don't have degrees, why do we think less of athletes without degrees. There in the same business, entertainment. I believe John Travolta (sp?), doesn’t even have a high school degree, and I know for sure he didn't when he started his acting career as a high school dropout.

Why does Shaq think he is more qualified to have a business conversation with Bill Gates, than before he had his degree? Once again I don't believe Bill Gates even has a degree, and he certainly didn't when he started Microsoft. College degrees are overrated, and imprison people into professions they may not like, and people stay in those professions just because they believe that's all they’re qualified to do. Why? Because that's what their degree that they spent an enormous amount of money on reflects to them and to human resource departments.
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