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Old 06-21-2005, 09:42 PM   #119
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Fantasyland
Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo
ya know i gotta agree with Icy. And I understand that the forum gets most of its traffic from people reading during work, but ya know what...we ought to be able to post whatever we want on here...and if you have a work where that's a problem, well maybe what Icy said is shouldn't be surfing, you should be working. I mean really, it's hard for me to feel sorry for guys who get in trouble for surfing internet forums at work that have pictures of say even scantily clad women on them. Basically those people should know enough that they shouldn't be surfing forums at work, because odds are that is what is getting them in trouble more than the fact there are pictures of women in bathing suits. So basically, as much as I am cool with the whole linking policy (because really it's pretty petty not to be), if it's going to be a problem at your work for you to be looking at a website that has women in bikinis maybe you ought to log out of the forum and do some goddamn work. That is what you're getting paid to do, no?

You really assume a shitload thinking that by surfing, someone isn't doing their job. That's not true and frankly, I resent the implication. If you think you can do my job, be my guest. My job is easy to measure - I'm in sales. I make my numbers, I can do whatever the hell I want. And I make my numbers. So on that point, you probably owe me and others an apology for the inference.

I don't get in trouble for surfing. Many of us won't get in trouble for surfing. We'd get in trouble for surfing sites with ojbectionable content. By objectionable, I'm not meaning the "fuck you" tirade of Render or some of the other stuff. I'm talking about links that a web sniffer program would think are porn (or porn-related) or scantily-clad women that would pop up in a thread when a female coworker is walking by. That's what gets you in trouble.

We've established FOFC as a site that won't get you in trouble for surfing it. So your point is entirely friggin' invalid - it's not that we're surfing, it's WHAT we're surfing. And posting crap like that will get FOFC blocked from Net Nanny programs. SkyDog's policy is to keep that from happening. Period, no exceptions.

Your point is invalid and so is Icy's. Time to get off your high horse, bucko. It was just shot out from under you.

Last edited by Blackadar : 06-21-2005 at 09:45 PM.
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