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Old 06-21-2005, 07:15 PM   #83
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Massachusetts
Originally Posted by RendeR
You're trying to tell the MAJORITY of posters on this board that they shouldn't be doing so when they have the opportunity at work, therfor you're a selfish little prick and need to shut the fuck up.

To get pissy at the *at work* posters because you have some inflated sense of moral superiority because you don't post or read while at work is pathetic. Don't deride others piss boy, because you'll simply get it back 10-fold.

fucking self ritieous piece of shit.

end of discussion.

RendeR...seeing as how you misspelled righteous and therefore i seriously doubt that you have a job where you are allowed to post at work. And I never said I didn't post or read at work FWIW, I just said that I wouldn't complain about it if say I was spending my company's time looking on a message board and got called onto the rug for it.

and i'm not quite sure how me saying that people that might get in trouble for reading the board at work should focus more on doing their work then reading the board makes me selfish? If anything it makes me altruistic dimwit. I'm looking out for the welfare of others.

and GWB...i fully understand there is downtime at work. I'm just saying that if I got in trouble for reading a messageboard at work, for whatever reason, I'd take it like a man as my own fault instead of trying to pass the buck.

and don't worry TargetPractice, I'm sure RendeR is just some self-important schmuck with an overinflated sense of his own importance. I deal with a million like him everyday. I've long since learned not to pay attention to the actual words coming out of their mouths and to instead realize that their life is indeed truly sad if that's how they derive their sense of satisfaction and superiority.
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