Thread: Beat The Streak
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Old 06-21-2005, 01:17 PM   #7
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Originally Posted by albionmoonlight
Good catch. So what are the best reasonable odds that a player will get a hit in any given game? 70%? 80%? (Assuming, of course, that you get to pick the most favorable player based on pitchers, etc.).

If you a assume a player has a 50% of getting a hit in any at bat. With 4 at bats per game they have a 93% chance of getting a hit at least once.

If you have assume a player has a 35% chance of a hit in any bat those odds decrease to about 82% chance of getting a hit.

A 300 hitter has a 75% chance of a hit in any game.

Thus a 300 hitter will has a 1 in 13 million chance of hitting in 57 straight games.

However, if you could be 93% certain a player will get a hit in a game the odds are 1 in 63. 1/(.93 ^ 57)

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Last edited by henry296 : 06-21-2005 at 01:17 PM.
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