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Old 06-20-2005, 01:45 PM   #1
Pro Starter
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Cary, NC
Werewolf - The Game Thread

You should have listened to your friends’ advice “Never travel to Europe on the cheap” they said. Because, for one thing, you ended up in Eastern Europe and for another you ended up in one of the worst (and in this case cursed) hotels.

So here you are in Romania of all places stuck in a run down hotel in some tiny village in the Carpathian Mountains. You have no idea where the next village is but it doesn’t matter anyway because all of the thunderstorms have flooded out the only bridge leading to the village, in addition to cutting the power. You are huddled in the hotel lobby with all of your fellow travelers trying to keep the candles lit which turns out to be difficult with all the drafts.

Finally the hotel manager Peregrine enters and addresses you “I’m afraid I have some bad news. It looks like we’re going to be stuck here for the entire week without any power. The roads are washed out and there’s no way to leave.” You all groan as you calculate what the delay will do to your travel itineraries. “It gets worse” continues Peregrine. “You see, this hotel is…. well, it’s cursed”

“You see, centuries ago a powerful werewolf was killed in this very building by a brave hunter. With his dying words he placed a curse on the building and ever since then, every ten years on the anniversary of his death, a pair werewolves come down from their den in the mountains, assume human form, and eat everybody in the hotel.”

“I don’t know why I accepted your reservations since I knew this would happen, I guess I’m getting old and forgetful. The good news is if you are killed I won’t charge you for the room.”

“That should be all the bad news… Oh, nope, wait there’s more. The wolves are already here you see. Even now two of you sitting in this room are wolves, which two I don’t know. They assume a very convincing human form during the day and if you see them at night, well, then you don’t see anything else ever again.”

“Now listen carefully, there are many more people here than there were ten years ago so I don’t think the wolves will kill you all at once, likely they’ll take one per night until they are equal in number then they’ll finish you off. Your best bet is probably to turn on each other and kill one of yourselves every day hoping to get a wolf. That seems like the sensible thing to do.”

“I take my leave of you now. Best of luck with the wolves and all, come back and see us next year if you’re alive.”

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