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Old 03-25-2003, 07:30 PM   #49
Go Reds
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Bloodbuzz Ohio
Last year, during the Shorty hosted Milk Challenge (2 awards: quickest to drink gallon of milk, person to throw up the most).

I was the camera guy, I'm not big on milk. One of my friends was not seeing how fast he could drink the gallon of milk (time limit is an hour by the way), he was definately going for the throw up award. By 5 minutes he was chugging and regurgitating routinely into the big puke can. Oh what fun it was to get my camera in there and tape it. Ok well one time we see this big object come out with alot of the liquid.

So cam guy Shorty goes in and looks in the garbage bag. Stank. But then, there it is! A huge object! So me and Throw Up Man take two sticks, and together with excellent teamwork lift that sucker out of the garbage and onto the ground. So what'd he throw up? Good question. There is no feasible way that it was a piece of food. He would have had to swallow a chicken breast whole for it to look like that in his stomach. So after much deliberation, we decided that he must have thrown up his small intestine. There's no way it could be anything else! It was huge and long!
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