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Old 03-25-2003, 07:18 PM   #8
The Afoci
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Moorhead
What are the Crawfish Training you may ask?

Now is perhaps the most interesting time at The Fighting Crawfish Arean as the squad is being trained at 100 percent intensity in the art of stamina. The Afoci was originally upset at Felix "Coach" Gruber's first attempts at training and took the helm himself....

"Now it has come to my attention" said The Afoci, "That many of you wusses aren't giving it your all. I am paying good money to you and this is what your giving me..."

"Ummm..." interupts Mikey "Number Two" Denney, "Uh...we didn't quite pay them good money, remember the conterfeiting scheme we yeah, "You better guard your daughters or they will be" Les "their" Cherry "s" wasn't able to purchase condoms and now is in extreme agony when he pees."

"Damn" says The Afoci """You better guard your daughters or they will be" Les "their" Cherry "s" Is that true?"

"Umm...sir..." squeaks "You better guard your daughters or they will be" Les "their" Cherry "s", "It appears to be blocked and burns severely... that damn Kahudi Widodo Simon wife burned me, burned me bad."

"Number Two" The Afoci says as he signals Mikey "Number Two" Denney closer to him, "Remind me to stay away from that woman. And get a doctor to help him out" Now screaming he says "Bring in the guards".

At that moment 10 guards show up in toxic waste suits and cages. "What is about to happen" The Afoci says pacing in front of his now obviously scared team "is a little bit of training, The Afoci-style. UNLEASH THE CRAWFISH WITH LASER BLASTERS INSTEAD OF CLAWS!!!!

The men resume their wind sprints to the sounds of explosions as the men in toxic waste suits open their cages and Crawfish with Laser Blasters instead of Claws come crawling out. The men run faster then ever and Felix "Coach" Gruber smiles, but only for a minute as the blasting turns to explosions as the lasers are overheating and the Crawfish with Laser Blasters instead of Claws explode covering most of the player, Felix "Coach" Gruber, and The Afoci in Crawfish remains.

"Sir" says Mikey "Number Two" Denney, "I warned you, it was too early, it needed to be tested...NOOO!!!!"

"Damn it Number Two" Screamed The Afoci, "My beautiful Crawfish with Laser Blasters instead of Claws are dead. Why GOD!!!!! It is always the good Crawfish that die. They will be remembered as heroes for being pioneers in Project Crawfish with Laser Blasters instead of Claws."

He falls to his knees and raises his hands in the air, completely covered in crawfish goo, crying.

Ivar "why couldn't my name be Ivan" Rannem walks to The Afoci "Sir, I will crush the Maniacal Misfitz for you....FOR THE CRAWFISH WITH LASER BLASTERS INSTEAD OF CLAWS"

Mikey "Number Two" Denney glares over to Ivar "why couldn't my name be Ivan" Rannem thinking of a way to eliminate the threat to his position.

At that moment the lights in the stadium go black.

"Run" Screams The Afoci "Its the Black Birds, they have come to finish off the family!!!" He then runs screaming out of the stadium, occasionally slipping to the ground on crawfish goo.

Everyone confused, looks to Felix "Coach" Gruber. He says "Um... get the candles!" The Fighting Crawfish then finish their windsprints in candle light... But they could hear the cries from a secret hide out not far from the stadium of a man, a man with a dream that he will one day take over the world with Crawfish with Laser Blasters instead of Claws!

Last edited by The Afoci : 03-26-2003 at 10:25 AM.
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