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Old 03-25-2003, 07:08 PM   #48
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The Satellite of Love
Ok here's the flood story, with a suppliment short stories "Soaking the substiture teacher" and "Gobstopper hotplate"

12th grade Advanced Chemistry. That's right, all of the stories were performed by "advanced" students. I was in a group with 4 friends. We did all kinds of shit together. But nothing compares to what we did in this class.

And it was partially because of the teacher. I forget his name right now, but he had been teaching a long time and just found some of the things we did funny.

One of the things we liked to do was take a part of the faucet off. It was the part where the water came out. Now, just to clarify, for anyone who has not been around a "School lab" area, the facets have the long, narrow pipes that go from the handles to turn the water on to the sink, but it makes a giant unpside down U shape. It's hard to explain...anyway.

We would take the "neck" off of the faucet. And we did it regularly.

However, one friend didn't take JUST the neck off. Instead, he started unscrewing the whole thing.....with out me realizing.

So, here we are trying to do something...I don't remember. He's unscrewing the faucet, and he's just about done. That's when I get a little annoyed that he's just playing while we are doing work, and that's when I grab the faucet....


A geyser of water shoots out. Everyone in the chem lab runs to the opposite side of the room. And there I am, stuck holding the damn faucet! So of course, everyone assumes it was me!

I try, but fail, to quickly screw the faucet back on. Meanwhile, the idiot friend of mine took off. One of my lab partners dove under the table. As the water landed on the table and went off, it looked like he was behind a water fall.

Anyway, in my attempt to put the faucet back on, I end up spraying water everywhere. After a few seconds, I drop it and get out of there...completely soaked. Within a minute the room is filled with water as it shot out water pretty quickly.

My teacher was cool about it. He told "the people" that there was a leak and we tried to fix it. He thought it was pretty funny.

After chem, we had lunch. At first, I tried to push blame off to my friend (he was the one who basically unscrewed it to the point that when I grabbed it, it came off). But after a few days and knowing nothing was going to happen to me, I accepted blame, because by them, it became more of a badge of honor than and embarrising moment. I flooded the chem room, and got no punishment from anyone.

After lunch, we have physics class, which was right next to the chem room. The physics room also had a lot of water in it.

Soaking the substitute teacher

Apparently, the faucet has three parts. The neck where the water comes out, and two parts underneath it. If you take off all three....well, we know what happens when you take off all three now. But if you take off the 2 parts, the water will just sit there.

Well, we thought that the if we turned the faucet on, the water should just shoot straight up, shouldn't it? At least, when the geyser went off, it shot straight up....but this was not the same faucet.

With the substitute teaching standing about 5 feet away, we learned that not all faucets shoot stright up.

We turn the faucet on...the water shoots up...but not straight up...and comes down right on the head of the substitute teacher!

We quickly turn the faucet off and put it back on and get ready for our punishment. But alas, it didn't come. She was cool about it. (Am I fuckin lucky or what?). She was, however, one of the heads of the play that year, so to make things even, we all (me and 3 lab partners [one was out that day]) had to buy a ticket to see the play.

Gobstopper Hotplate

Not much to this story. We just wanted to see what would happen if you put gobstoppers on a hotplate.

And here's what happens.

The gobstoppers melt, the gobstoppers stick, the gobstoppers stay (IOW, they melt and you can't get them off). And the result is that everytime you plug the hotplate in for now on, it will smell like gobstoppers.

Last edited by sabotai : 03-25-2003 at 07:11 PM.
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