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Old 06-18-2005, 01:07 PM   #51
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Hog Country
Originally Posted by Emiliano
-How can I create windows (like you did with games, apps, media...) with the bbIconBox plugin? I installed it, but I only see a small window with all my desktop's icon.

Ctrl-right click in an empty space in your iconbox and you will see a menu with the options for customizing, including creating new iconboxes
Originally Posted by Emiliano
-How can I customize the weather plugin with my city???

There should be instructions for customizing bbWeather that come with the plugin, but basically you Go to and click on yahoo weather, enter your location information and when it gets to the page giving you your local weather, look at the URL in your browser. The last little part of the URL, right before the .htm extension should be copied into the bbWeather.rc file in the correct location (the last field, probably).
Originally Posted by Emiliano
-What's alpha/beta/gamma on the top left of the bar?
Those are the default names for your virtual desktops. You can shift left-click on that spot and change the names of your desktops (called workspaces) to whatever you want. I used I, II, III, and IV for awhile. Right now I'm using more descriptive names like Main, Media, Apps, Misc
Originally Posted by Emiliano
-How can I "show" my desktop with blackbox?
To take a screenshot just hit your print screen button on your keyboard. Then open up MS Paint and hit ctrl-v. Save the file as a JPG or PNG and upload it to some webspace (photobucket offers some free space if you dont have any)

Last edited by MJ4H : 06-18-2005 at 01:08 PM.
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