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Old 06-17-2005, 07:58 PM   #27
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Hog Country
I usually load the plug-ins via the menu instead of the rc file. Go to rclick menu then Blackbox - Config - Plugins - Add Plugins.

Then you browse to the plugin where you've unzipped it (I always do each plug-in in its own sub-directory in the plugins subdir). Once you do this it will add it to the list of plug-ins you can just click to turn on and off under

Note also that in the menu system if you left click on the title bar of the menu the menu is pinned and stays open until you lclick it to close it. Very handy for the deep sub-menus like the plug-in loading and unloading.

As for the slit stuff, I read that you have to add a & in front of it in the .rc file, but I never messed with that too much. I don't have much use for the slit, really. Maybe someday I will though. Is that the exact part you are having trouble with?

EDIT- Note that you only need the & if you are trying to load plug-ins into the slit (not really necessary for me). I don't think I've ever had to open the plugins.rc file.

Last edited by MJ4H : 06-17-2005 at 08:00 PM.
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