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Old 06-17-2005, 06:57 PM   #19
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Hog Country
By the way for those of you that are trying this out, some must have plug-ins that you don't see visually:

bbKeys - allows you to set hotkeys for starting programs or performing other system actions

bbMemoryShrink - allows you to greatly reduce the amount of resources blackbox uses (from about 12 Mb down to less than 2 Mb for a basic bb setup)

bbWorkSpaceWheel - allows you to scroll between your virtual desktops with the mousewheel. This is killer. I never even used the virtual desktops that were available in blackbox until this plug-in was made. Now I can't live without it.

EDIT: Some people love the bbMouseGestures plug-in, too. I can't say that I care much for mouse gestures, but some people feel the same way about it as I do about the workspacewheel. That's why I love this plug-in architecture though. I don't have to use system resources on functionality I don't need or want.

Last edited by MJ4H : 06-17-2005 at 10:40 PM.
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